Sunday, June 29, 2008


Originally uploaded by Kurwin.

Our friend Michelle was in the recent production of Willie Wanka. We had a great time; especially since one of our friends was in the production, and we heartily enjoyed watching her practice her craft.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wendell Berry

Wendell Berry
Originally uploaded by Kurwin.

Wendell Berry is a Kentucky Saint. Thankfully, he's not afraid to speak his mind; write his conscience, and craft thoughtful essays and works of fiction and poetry.

A Timbered Choir is a collection of poems from 1979-1997, that Berry composed while on Sabbath walks on his farm and land near Port Royal, Kentucky. Highly recommended.

Deane C. Davis

Deane C. Davis
Originally uploaded by Kurwin.

As an award for my high school graduation in 1981, I was given a copy of the book Justice in the Mountains: Stories and Tales by a Vermont Country Lawyer by Deane C. Davis.

Davis was a Vermont Republican Governor in the late 60's early 70's, and wrote a book of stories about Vermonters while he was a practicing attorney.

sweep sweep

sweep, dust, vacuum, cough, wipe. Trying to get back in the blogging mode; up next are a few more autographs.