Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bobbie Ann Mason Autograph #3

Bobbie Ann Mason Autograph
Originally uploaded by Kurwin.

Here's my last Bobbie Ann Mason autograph from her short story collection: Love Life: Stories. The book was published in 1989, and contains 15 stories.

I have a British edition, something she noted when signing it. I said I didn't know why I had that, afraid and embarrassed to tell her that I bought it off the remainder table. Probably saw her at the old Hawley Cooke on Shelbyville Road.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bobbie Ann Mason Autograph #2

Bobbie Ann Mason Autograph
Originally uploaded by Kurwin.

This is my second Bobbie Ann Mason autograph. Her short story Weeds, is from Voices Louder than Words: A Second Collection, published in 1991.
I guess I heard Mason read at the old Hawley Cooke on Shelbyville Road around 1992. This was one of the first times I realized I could support my reading habit and send some money to homeless programs.

Other authors include: Robert Boswell, Andre Dubus, Jane Smiley, Bret Lott, and 18 other authors.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Book Author Autographs I have

Bobbie Ann Mason Autograph
Originally uploaded by Kurwin.

I got the weird idea the other day to photograph and upload author autographs I have. Here's one of my first, by Kentucky author Bobbie Ann Mason.

It was in 1982 or 1983 that Shiloh and Other Stories had been out for a short time, and she came to do a reading at Georgetown College, in the Spring semester.

I remember a friendly argument the Shakespeare professor had with our modern fiction professor; basically that nothing good was written after 1620 or so.

I was delighted when I told her that I really liked her story "Still Life With Watermelon," and she read it the next day.